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TLS/SSL decryption, the foundation of the zero-trust concept

 TLS/SSL decryption, the foundation of the zero-trust concept

TLS/SSL decryption, the foundation of the zero-trust concept

      TLS/SSL decryption plays a leading role in the zero-trust model

      Zero trust, in turn, requires that there always be mistrust in processes and users, and these certificates are essential for their proper functioning.

  Zero Trust is a security model that describes the fact that no device, user, or network sector is inherently trustworthy.  Of course, to implement this idea, certain basics are needed.  Thus, TLS/SSL decryption is positioned as a cornerstone of the zero-trust concept.

  In fact, we've already reviewed in the past what is the best web encryption standard, emphasizing these two options above the others, since they are among the main options that are usually considered in the category.  With that said, going back to the TLS/SSL decryption process, what is all this and why does it matter?

  Well, first of all we start from the foundation that data encryption is an effective mechanism to prevent cybercriminals and external entities from accessing critical data within business environments.

  However, unfortunately, even the most advanced viruses and malware are still able to infect encrypted traffic.  Then there are internal threats that we must not lose sight of, of course.

  This is why TLS/SSL decryption is important

  The SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocols and their more secure successor, TLS (Transport Layer Security), have emerged as popular encryption protocols for encrypting data in transit.

  In any case, SSL/TLS decryption or TLS/SSL decryption, is the name of this procedure by which organizations unlock encrypted traffic at scale, pass it through various scanning tools to review content for threats, and re-encrypt it once verified  , and return it to where it came from.

  Why is SSL decryption necessary?

  Attackers take advantage of even the most secure connections to spread malware and orchestrate attacks using the latest tools, including network hacking, phishing, and cryptographic attacks.

  In fact, the data shows that there was a 300% increase in the cases of attackers taking advantage of HTTPS connections in 2020. In addition, there was also a 212% increase in secure malware traffic.

  This is because encrypted traffic from trusted CDNs and sites generally isn't scanned, giving attackers some room to move around freely, attacking when we least expect them.

  TLS / SSL decryption, in addition to blocking threats from external entities, allows you to get an overview of what actions were performed and if these actions, consciously or unconsciously, endanger the confidential data of the organization.  Currently, compliance with this section is essential.

  How is SSL traffic checked?

  TLS/SSL decryption requires several computational cycles, allowing for a slightly better understanding.

  Let's say the apps were scanning the encrypted traffic themselves.  This may result in certain transition periods, to some extent poor performance, and even severely affect the organization's infrastructure.  Due to the volume and volume of incoming requests, the self-examination will stop the workflow and business.  Precisely for this reason, most of them opt for decentralized and ad-hoc solutions.

  Our custom SSL decryption solution includes features that make the investment worth it: a state-of-the-art managed firewall, proxy architecture, intrusion detection systems, advanced threat detection, and malware detection, among other capabilities.

  If you want to go further, the best TLS decryption solutions offer multi-layered security that combines global threat intelligence, security management, threat investigation and more.  It provides a complete, real-time view of any anomaly that puts you under observation.

  Needless to say, these solutions provide flexibility to adjust policies based on the needs and contexts of different applications and regions.  If you have an organization, you have to focus on it.

  If you want to know more, we leave this article to you about why it is important to have an SSL certificate.

  Understanding Zero Trust Security Models

  The Zero Trust model, as its name suggests, requires organizations to never trust anyone and always verify users.  But also those who are expected to guard those spaces in the first place.  Therefore, it requires no privileged access to anyone in the organization or network.

  The Zero Trust security model always assumes that there is a potential for breach and verifies every request made to an application or network.  Rather than focusing on specific areas, this model extends to all parts of the digital arena.  This is how you tackle the internal and external threats that organizations face.

  This model requires very specific tools, such as advanced analytics, intelligent automation, and self-learning responses.  They are used to enhance threat detection and isolation.

  The role of TLS/SSL decryption in the zero-trust model

TLS/SSL decryption, the foundation of the zero-trust concept

  The rise in encrypted traffic has made it difficult to implement Zero Trust effectively.  This encryption creates blind spots and impedes full visibility of the landscape in question, allowing insiders and outside entities to exploit the presented weaknesses.  At least for now.

  Building on this, TLS/SSL decryption is a cornerstone of the Zero Trust security model, helping prevent blind spots created by encryption, illuminating the infrastructure and blocking threats.
