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How to configure the default email app in Windows

 How to configure the default email app in Windows

How to configure the default email app in Windows

  Obviously, sending emails in Windows 10 is very easy with the right client.  The operating system comes with a virtual client;  However, is it possible to set another email app as the default app in Windows 10?  The answer is yes, it is entirely possible to configure another app as the default app, to replace the one suggested by the Microsoft operating system.

  In this sense, Windows makes it easy for us to configure another application that we want to use as email.  The system comes with several default applications, although we can download another client we like and add it as default.

  A little later we will see a simple guide so that in a very few minutes we can configure a new email client as the default one;  The guide is very simple and you do not need advanced knowledge of Windows to apply it.  So without adding much, let's get started.

  Set an email app as the default in Windows

How to configure the default email app in Windows


  The first thing we need to do is open Windows Settings with the Windows + i key combination on our keyboard.  Alternatively, we can click on "Start" and then on the settings icon on the left side (a gear shaped icon).

How to configure the default email app in Windows


  Once we are in the configuration, we will click on Applications.

How to configure the default email app in Windows

  Choose the default app

  Here we go to "Default Applications" in the left sidebar.  In this section, we will click on the icon just below "Email".  Thanks to this we will be able to select a new email client that we want to choose as the default one.

  A new window opens that says "Choose an application", and we will click on the name of the application that we want to configure by default in the system.  This application is the one we will use to receive or send emails.

  Once this is done, we will simply have to close the Configuration and everything will be ready.  The next time we try to open an email or click an email link, it will automatically open in the default app of our choice.
