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 Use virtual desktops in Windows 11

  Using virtual desktops in Windows 11 can greatly help our productivity.  This way we can organize one office just for work without distractions and another for multimedia or gaming.

  In this article, we will see one of the functions that came with us since Windows 10, but in the new version of the Microsoft operating system.  It is very easy to use virtual desktops in Windows 11 and we will show you step by step everything we can do.

  How to add a virtual desktop in Windows 11

  Create a new virtual desktop in Windows.

Use virtual desktops in Windows 11

  In order to add a new virtual desktop, we will have to move the mouse over the View button on the taskbar.  This button is the button between the search and tool icons.  Next, we will have to click where the words “New Desktop” appear (where there is a “+” sign).

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  An example of several desktop computers running at the same time.

  We can do this every time we want to create a new virtual desktop.  This is very useful because in this way we can create one for work and another for multimedia or games.  We can even set up several offices for different projects where we work.

  To be able to switch between desktops, we can put our mouse over the View button on the taskbar (where we create the desktop) and click on the button we want to go to.  We can open different applications on each desktop independently.

Use virtual desktops in Windows 11

  How to customize the name of the virtual desktop

  Once you create a virtual desktop, Windows assigns it a somewhat generic name.  But we can customize it in a fairly simple way, in this way it will be easier to identify them.

  A name assigned to virtual desktops in Windows 11.

  We will simply move the mouse over the task view button and we will have to right-click on one of the desktops, in the drop-down menu we will have to choose the option “Rename”.

  We will have to repeat these steps with the rest of the desktops.  In this way we can assign them different names, for example: work, games, version, etc.

Use virtual desktops in Windows 11

  Move windows between virtual desktops in Windows 11

  Transfer applications between desktop devices.

Use virtual desktops in Windows 11

  Another thing we can do is move application windows between desktops, and we don't have to open them one by one on each desktop.  For this, we will simply have to click on the Task View button and place the cursor on the desktop with the window we want to move.  Then we will right click on the window and we will give it the word “Move” and we will choose the respective desktop.

  How to close the virtual desktop


  Closing or deleting a virtual desktop couldn't be easier.  All we have to do is simply click on the Task View button and then simply press the "X" in the preview of the desktop we want to close.
